
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines7/20/2009 11:39:35 am PDT

re: #3 cathypop

nirther idiots! Can this Monday get any worse?

It already has.

The *spit* Moon landing denialists *spit* are naturally out in droves today, with a notably large infestation at Free Republic.

Moon hoaxery has yet to take on a solid political dimension but given the rabid anti-science and general stupidity of certain factions in the GOP, I would not be surprised if it soon does. How long before a GOP candidate or some minor office holder decides to test the waters with some choice weasel words, they might “support an investigation” because “questions have been raised”?

This would be pretty ironic historically, not that I would expect these idiots to know anything at all about that “suspect” field of study. At the time, of course, it was the political and cultural left that attacked Apollo, though few outside the drug culture were so foolish as to deny that it had happened at all.
I specifically remember the conformist hordes at some big pop festival booing and jeering when the news of the Moon landing was announced. (I thought for years that this was the Newport Jazz Festival but that can’t be right because the 1969 NJF was a few days earlier than the Moon landing.)