
Esquire: McCarthyism 2.0? The Right's Battle with ACORN

Big Steve1/05/2010 6:22:38 pm PST

re: #18 doubter4444

You don’t really mean that, do you?
Of course they apologized, it was a national embarrassment. But does apologizing mean they were guilty?
The tapes were edited heavily and frankly, pretty crudely, anyone in the news business would never run with material like that.
Still, the workers were wrong to even give the posers ant reasonable response, other than get the fuck out.
The obsession with Acorn is symbolic of the impotent rage the far right feels now. It’s misdirected and sad. But anger keeps you warm, I guess, and keeps your mind off having to think things through.

I DO really mean it. It would have been a simple internal matter to resolve and within days ACORN could have stood up and said the tapes were misleading and they were not apologizing. However, that isn’t how it went.