
Live Video: Kagan Hearings, Day Three

lostlakehiker6/30/2010 11:03:26 am PDT

re: #7 Walter L. Newton

I’ve been reading a lot of the articles about the hearings, and I don’t remember the Democrats ever acting like this. The GOP are just obstructionist, plain and simple.

Huh? Remember the verb “to Bork”? And then there was the hate session against Clarence Thomas, including transparently bogus sexual harassment charges. What took the cake was the time senator Howard Metzenbaum held up hearings until something like 2AM so as to prevent the mass of women who had worked with Thomas from testifying. He then noted the late hour, and gave this reason for why their testimony should not be heard [ever]: it’s late, [by his doing], and we don’t need their testimony anyway; we already know what they’ll say.

Now this does not make today’s spectacle anything to be proud of. When Senator Grassley couldn’t come up with the word “unalienable”, and substituted “individual”, talking about rights and God-given rights, it was a hell of a ‘senior moment’. Give that man a gold watch and a pension or something and send him on a cruise.

Because you can’t give him a clue.