
A plea for moderates

Romantic Heretic8/05/2010 7:40:23 am PDT

Sigh. Sorry Ludwig. I liked this essay but by bringing Israel into it I think you muddied the waters quite a bit.

This is the first and last time I’ll comment on the Middle East here as I know I’m going to get flamed for it. Nay, I’m going to get wrapped in thermite and my ashes will be pissed on.

I support Israel. The nation has every right to exist and it is under threat. As a military buff I have great respect for their military. I also like the level of freedom it allots to all its citizens of all races and religions.

But that does not place it above criticism. When Israel performs actions I regard as unwise or unethical I will criticize it. I could be wrong. I could have insufficient information. But I will criticize it.

Unfortunately, the second I do that I will be placed in the “moonbat” category, as well as being labeled an anti-Semite. It’s almost impossible to be moderate about the Middle East. No matter what a person says they will end up with more than half of the people participating in the debate angry at them.

That, I think, is the true sign of moderation. Moderates, in my experience, tend to anger people. ;)

Sorry again. I’m all for moderation, although I prefer the term balance. But bringing Israel into this essay defeated the point.