
Sarah Palin Defends the Right to Use the N Word

Nick Schroeder8/18/2010 6:24:31 pm PDT

re: #10 Killgore Trout

BTW, the reason Dr. Laura is quitting is because she was forced to apologize and can’t express her racial views on the air. She slipped and exposed some real ugliness. She could have continued the conversation and it would have been compelling radio but her views are just too ugly and her employer won’t allow it.
Her use of the n word was one of the least offensive aspects of her rant.

I completely agree. I just read the transcript of the interview that started all of this for the first time today. I was ready for the n-bombs being used in some ‘not terribly racist’ sort of context (as they sometimes are in these controversies). However, Dr. Laura was just a straight up stereotyping racist bigot through out the whole discussion with the female caller. To be honest, I actually fely quite bad for the women who called in, because presumably she was most likely a fan of the show and looked up to Dr. Laura and was looking forward to her advice.

Who knew Dr. Laura’s advice would amount to “Sorry, you’re defective because you’re black. LOL.