
Disturbing New Ice Sheet Calculations Suggest Faster Sea Level Rise

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/15/2010 4:04:45 pm PST

re: #10 researchok

Yo raise an interesting point.

Historically, most great cities have been built within close proximity to seaports.

I wonder if/how climate change will impact that as well as a host of other human activities/cultures/societies.

Interesting, you know?

Well know is difficult to use in such a case.

Is it possible that some centers of culture and learning will escape calamity and be a sort of Noah’s ark - perhaps in Canada or Sweden? I hope so.

However, for most, get real with certain facts. Economies will crash because there will not be enough food and the places that have the most of our capital investment will be underwater. Manhattan real estate prices will become zeroed out for example.

But most importantly, no economy can function without the basics of food water and shelter being met.

There will simply not be enough food for the populace. There will be vast regions where there will simply not be enough water. Pipe dreams of desalinization are just that, pipe dreams - impossible to do over such a scale for so many people. There is no way to power it without thousands of reactors dedicated to desalinizing and pumping water over a pile network that would make the Alaska pipeline look like tinker toys.

Do people who can not get enough food and water just go off and die quietly?
What if they are Americans?

You can bet those Texans are going to suddenly feel entitled to water from up north. Do the people up North give it to them when they do not have enough? And what about all those former New Yorkers? Where do they go?

So what happens is very simple.

People will fight and die over food and water. Diseases will spread like wild fire and the ever spiraling effects of AGW after tipping points will lead to a global collapse of our civilization as we know it.

Billions will die as a result.

Will we cross an oceanic oxygen tipping point?

I don’t know. If we do though, it really does not matter at all, because civilization will go down the tubes before the oxygen runs out, and then - as the oceans die, the left over motorcycle barbarians will asphyxiate on their own planet - and we will become extinct.