
The Oregon Terror Plot That Never Was

Dark_Falcon11/27/2010 10:14:54 am PST

re: #14 CuriousLurker

This Somali guy got started young, so maybe she can tie it in with yesterday’s screed* warning about Muslim schoolchildren attending Christian schools in Europe. Apparently they’re dangerous agents of Islamic supremacism.

The wingnuts don’t seem to have any compunctions about going after children these days (Obama’s daughters & TSA, WBC protesting children’s funerals, etc.), so I wouldn’t put it past them to go after Muslim kids as well.

*Google cache link

Good find. The only thing I would need to ask is not to lump the WBC Phelps Klan in with the wingnuts. Phelps and co are despised pretty much universally, and have no significant support within the Tea Party crowd.