
White House Responds to Perry's 'Treasonous' Comment

zora8/16/2011 10:34:40 am PDT

*** And did his remarks hurt him — or help him? Those comments — especially those regarding the Fed — must be making some folks on Wall Street and in the GOP establishment very nervous right now. Bernanke, after all, was an original Bush appointee. The question becomes: Do Perry’s remarks disqualify him among some in the GOP establishment? Or is this where the Republican primary voters are right now? Perry supporters will argue that he was joking and simply Perry being Perry. The importance of getting establishment money and support will be known later today if somehow we hear the slightest walk-back of the Bernanke comments. Bottom line: We got a glimpse of the Perry that some Romney supporters believe will be the Texan’s undoing. It also won’t quiet the Ryan-Christie speculation.