
Video: Hoffa Blasts Fox News

makeitstop9/07/2011 11:36:07 am PDT

OT, but relevant to Fox:

(Re-posted from downstairs)

News Corp. Columnist Holding Press Conference On “Why The GOP Must Win White America For Victory In 2012”

On September 9, The National Policy Institute will present a comprehensive, yet simple, strategy for a Republican victory in 2012—Win the White vote. “The Majority Strategy” is based on the GOP expanding its traditional White voting base, as opposed to continuing its failed “outreach” programs to racial minorities.

Peter Brimelow of, radio host James Edwards, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance, and NPI’s Richard Spencer will speak.

And it’s even spreading to the Sports wing now…

Fox Sports apologizes for “inappropriate” video

Fox Sports is apologizing for what it calls an “inappropriate” segment filmed on the University of Southern California campus that critics say mocks Asian students.

Fox Sports Network sent the apology after the Daily Camera newspaper in Boulder, Colo., reported about the video. It shows a comedian approaching Asian students at USC and asking them to welcome the universities of Colorado and Utah to the Pac-12 Conference. The comedian tells the students to give the new Pac-12 members an “all-American welcome” and then mocks students’ accents.

How do you stop an entity like Fox? The veil over the veiled racism is slowly slipping.