
Fox Covers the Olympics: Gabby Douglas Has 'Lost That Jingoistic Feeling'

Mostly sane, most of the time.8/06/2012 1:32:28 pm PDT

re: #4 Sionainn

Uh, oh, Fox didn’t get with Rush Limbaugh today to iron out their talking points. Limbaugh was claiming that “they” (meaning those damned libruls, of course) are attacking Gabby Douglas because of her hair. I have no idea what he’s talking about since I haven’t seen any attacks or criticisms about Gabby anywhere. My guess is that he made it up.

They did attack her hair. She responded with, more or less, “Whatever. I have a gold medal.”

Actually she said she had just jelled her hair and put it back to get it out of the way. LIKE EVERY OTHER GYMNAST.