
Tuesday Night Spastic Tubes Thread

HRH Stanley Sea8/21/2012 7:47:20 pm PDT

re: #16 TedStriker

I think Hell might have just froze over.

I went out for a smoke break at work about 10-15 minutes and Fox News was playing on the TV in our breakroom. Greta Van Sustern was on and Sarah Palin was her guest, talking about Akin. As I was walking back in to the breakroom from our smoking area outside, Van Sustern was asking Palin whether or not Akin should have bowed out of the Senate race with McCaskill and what I heard surprised me: Palin unequivocally said that Akin should drop out of the race because of what he said.

Imagine that: Sarah Palin, Queen of the Teabillies, agreeing with Romney, Ryan, and the GOP establishment on this.

She’s only trying to vindicate her support of the (much worse I suppose) teabagger she endorsed v. Akin.

that is all. She gives no shit about women, rape, or legitimacy. It’s all about her “name” and win/loss column.

Of course Greta had to take her on.