
Awesome New Snarky Puppy-Ish Music: Bokanté, "Jou Ké Ouvè"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/24/2017 7:00:47 am PST

re: #206 HappyWarrior

And let me tell you guys as someone who applied to a lot of federal jobs over the past five years, the feds weren’t exactly doing a lot of hiring to begin with. The freeze makes it even worse. The freeze is just stupid especially with large amounts of people retiring. Contractors can only do so much.

About a third of Federal workers are military veterans. A hiring freeze coupled with firing Federal workers is more conservative compassion to all us veterans they love to use as patriotic props.

re: #199 darthstar

I have to get moving soon, but one thing that needs more attention is Trump saying we’re now going to ‘take the oil’ from countries we liberate. That’s a war crime and a shift in US policy. Sean Spicer didn’t walk it back yesterday. That makes it US Policy.

This puts every boot on the ground right now at risk.

I hate that phrase “boots on the ground.” They are people. I was not a pair of “boots on the deck.” I was a person who put my beating heart on the line at sea as an enlisted representative of the US Government.