
Friday Night Moby Jam: Are You Lost in the World Like Me?

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam3/24/2017 9:44:29 pm PDT

Totally OT, but Iā€™ve been catching up on TV series lately. Iā€™ve decided I want to live in Central City on whatever Earth The Flash lives on, because:

- it must have a kickass public transport system, because no one in the show seems to own a car, yet they have no trouble getting around town
- wages must be also kickass, because Barry Allen, police CSI, bought a freakinā€™ 2500 square foot loft for his girlfriend and he to live in. Itā€™s fully furnished, too, looking like something out of some home design magazine.
- conversely, Barryā€™s salary might be no great shakes, but home and furnishing prices there are super cheap!

BTW the musical episode was corny, but the singing and dancing was pretty good!