
The Amazing Jonathan Scales Fourchestra: Tiny Desk Concert

retired cynic2/15/2020 11:55:03 am PST

Remember when Christopher Wray testified in Congress that the FBI has broadened the terminology used to categorize domestic terrorism to include “abortion violent extremism” ON BOTH SIDES. There hasn’t been any pro-choice violence. Well, with the cases coming up at the Supreme Court, Nancy LeTourneau points out the reason for that.

The reason this case [June Medical Services v. Gee] is so significant is that it takes direct aim at the 1992 Supreme Court decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey. That ruling gave states the ability to regulate abortion but declared that such regulations would be unconstitutional if they constitute an “undue burden” on a woman’s right to choose to obtain an abortion. If that requirement is removed, states will be able to implement restrictions that make the procedure basically unavailable to women.

As you can see, the odds are that this Supreme Court will put a stake through the heart of Roe v. Wade. If that happens, we can count on a powerful national response from pro-choice activists. The FBI just set the stage to accuse those activists of engaging in violent extremism.