
World's Craziest Bloggers Say LGF is 'Linked Up' with Neo-Nazis

Taqiyyotomist4/08/2009 10:08:58 am PDT

Apparantly the US electrical grid (check the news, wherever you may find it), has been infiltrated, and some “software” has been “left” on the system, which, according to the many no-information-having articles I’ve read, may be activatable later on.

Not one single article asks whether the software which we know has been left on the system can be removed. Why? Not one commentor in any of the stories which allow comments has asked this question. Why? Is this not the most obvious question which comes to mind after reading that something malicious has been planted somewhere? CAN THE “SOFTWARE” WHICH WAS “LEFT” BE REMOVED?

Good god, the stupid, it BURNS!