
New Info from CRU Hacking Investigation

jamesfirecat2/14/2010 6:21:40 pm PST

By the way I’m gonna bring out the worse joke ever just to put an end to all this punning.


Approximately three years ago, noted dolphin research scientist, Lopaka K. Espinda developed a theory:
“If seagulls were fed to dolphins every day for a month, the dolphins would never die.”
After many failed attempts, Espinda finally got the research grant that he needed for the “Dolphin Feeding Project”.
The Dolphin Research Laboratories, “Dolphin Feeding Project” was carried out at Honolulu’s, Kewalo Basin Yacht Harbor.
While elsewhere today, at the Honolulu Zoo the long awaited transfer of lions to the new Hawaii State Zoo on the Big Island, was taking place. After the trucks had left the Honolulu Zoo and were in-route to the airport, one of the lions escaped from the truck.
Police, Fire, Animal Control and Zoo officials were put on alert to be on the lookout for an escaped lion.
When the Governor was notified about the situation, he was heard to say: “I realize it is now the responsibility of the State if any one is hurt by that lion.”
It can now be reported that this was the last and final day of the “Dolphin Feeding Project”. Espinda was in the Laboratory’s food preparation room preparing the last of the seagulls to feed to the dolphins, as he opened the door he was shocked to find the escaped lion blocking his only pathway out. As he later told this reporter, “I knew that time was running out and that I must complete my project now, or I will never be able to get any new funding.” He also stated that he was somewhat relieved to discover that the lion was sound asleep; he then cautiously tiptoed over the sleeping lion.
That is when the Police, Fire, Animal Control and Zoo officials arrived at the scene of the crime, the Police arrested Espinda, and the Zoo officials re-captured the lion.

He was arrested!

But what were the charges?