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Varek Raith8/09/2010 3:32:45 pm PDT

re: #219 Cato the Elder

I was born and raised to the age of six in rural Michigan, and went there for vacations with my grandfolks until they died.

My town is urban, but my college was in the countryside of (gasp!) Massachusetts, where the hillbillies are wilder than anything you might meet in Montana.

I spent ten years in Germany, in small towns and villages, and know how to cuss out Sarah Palin and her idiot followers in thirteen dialects and 21 languages.

And you want to tell me that I hate my fellow countrymen?

No. I just hate the incurably stupid, like you.

I’ve known Bavarian peasants who were readier to learn in their old age.

*Varek chuckles from his Ivory Tower of Disdain and Hatred*