
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/09/2010 5:28:15 pm PST

OK here is a crazy theory that is so crazy it might be true:

On the subject of the missile/plane contrail. The strongest advocate I have seen quoted about it being a plane, Pike, argues about course changes.

Rockets may not change course, but missiles do.

In the end, Pike has made a plausible explanation that he is pushing too hard. Perhaps I was pushing too hard that it must have been a missile. I can accept that it is possible - barely to me it seems - that weather conditions could be just right for this to happen - maybe.

The fact that the pentagon can’t get some major out there to explain it was a contrail is concerning to me. The fact that the station and the pentagon knows when the footage was taken, where the chopper was looking and what direction it was looking in means that any radar record could be checked.

Anyone could easily ask air traffic control if there was a plane there at that time. Why hasn’t that happened?

Of course, it is also concerning that no one has talked about any ballistic trajectory as seen on civilian ATC radars either. I simply do not understand why this is a subject of speculation this late in the day. There are radars everywhere. One way or the other, we could know for sure.

So here is my soo crazy it *might* be true. Suppose you wanted to tell America that you had a stealthy missile. If you just launch it, we don’t see it. So you launch it near a big city.