
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/13/2012 6:17:59 pm PDT

I see that over at PJM that Roger L Simon has started down the path of “The Democratic Party is then the true racist party”, a road that I predict will only lead to more ugliness at PJM, as even evidenced in the very same article when Simon writes:

And yet that remains the spoken/unspoken predicate of election 2012. Just as America rejoiced in electing Barack Obama in 2008 as the first (part) African American president, we are being asked to reelect him for similar reasons. But it would also be racist, perhaps more so, actually to reelect him for similar reasons. The color of Barack Obama’s skin is and should be irrelevant. And yet, of course, it has not been and continues to be the trump card of the Democratic Party. If Barack Obama were white, he would be one of the least likely candidates for reelection in American history. Instead, despite demonstrated incompetence, he remains in contention, perhaps even the favorite. Under current conditions, however, the reelection of Barack Obama can be seen only as a triumph of racism.

The “part” adjective (boldfaced by me) - does it have to be there?

Anyway, the comments are starting to show the cracks - white victimization, etc.

It’ll only be a matter of time till PJM catches up to the rest.