
Video: Jon Stewart: How I Meteored Your Motherland

goddamnedfrank2/20/2013 6:09:00 pm PST

re: #213 Majacita

Yes, I understand nuance. I think it was a travesty that she was charged at all. You just want her to have a lighter sentence. I don’t know if the difference in our outlooks is because of different backgrounds or professions, but I don’t think we’re going to agree.

Fear doesn’t justify recklessness. What she did should have been a misdemeanor, a few weeks and a suspended sentence. If she’d shot the husband then it’s not a crime. Ask yourself if the genders were reversed if you’d be okay with an abused husband (and they do exist) inviting his estranged, abusive wife home, then firing a warning shot through a wall with children in the house?

I think it’s a kind of chauvinism to cut a woman greater slack for behaving recklessly in the face of fear. It plays into the same sexist argument used by those who don’t think they have a place serving in front line military units.