
How Edward Snowden Helped China Hack the US

Dark_Falcon11/02/2013 8:48:20 am PDT

re: #217 piratedan

ty! I have to admit that I am bleeping appalled at the amount of fawning that this guy gets. Everyone citing his “words” and few noting that this guy used to be former military, former CIA, has signed agreements and oaths and chosen to forsake all of that for a supposedly principled stand that he’s not willing to suffer for. He’s the Greg Stillson (The Dead Zone) of patriots…..

Are you sure the comparison works? Stillson is depicted in all versions of The Dead Zone as being driven by ambition as well as trauma induced rage. Edward Snowden has suffered no trauma such as the fictional Stillson suffers, nor does he have Stillson’s ambition. Edward Snowden is a whiny perpetually-adolescent dudebro loser.