
And Now, Wikileaks Shills for Russia - Update: Greenwald, Too

Kragar2/06/2014 1:52:04 pm PST

Apparently, Russia just seized seized the homes of thousands of people and told them to get out to make room for the Winter Games

From last year:

Susan Ormiston: Russia’s $50B Sochi Olympics gamble

Of the 2,000 Sochi and area homeowners displaced by construction, a few families still haven’t settled their claims for compensation.

One of the last holdouts, the Mzokov family, watched the home they built in 1999 bulldozed in September to make way for a road far from the Olympic site. A nasty fight ensued over legal ownership, and Natalia Mzokova is furious.

“We got legal registration in 1999. But nobody talks to us, all the courts take the side of the authorities. We have all the proper documents and they do not even look at them,” she says. “So much money spent on Olympics and our house was not in the way.”

Put the Mzokov family’s case to Chernyshenko, the Olympic Organizing Committee CEO, and he is conciliatory.

“In the end, we will fulfil the order from the president of Russia who said that all citizens should be compensated fairly.”