
Greenwald: All You Uber-Nationalistic Jingoistic Devoted Loyalist Hypocrites Are Free to Disagree

Dr Lizardo3/24/2014 2:12:55 pm PDT

re: #216 chadu

Aside about “molon labe” :

Is it just me, or does this RWNJ-appropriated slogan essentially argue for “Might makes Right”?

The speaker is taking the gamble that the entity coming to take whatever cannot do it, and that’s okay.

However, the other side of the gamble is that the entity >could be strong/smart/lucky/sneaky/rich enough to do so. Are spouters of the phrase okay with the result in that case?

Also, pro-tip: Leonidas and the 300 died at Thermopylae, IIRC, and it was only a naval battle and a strategic withdrawal by the Persians that eventually led to the invasion being defeated.

But they died like men!! In scarlet capes and leather loincloths, with rippling abs and drenched in sweat!! Just like us in the Tea Party!!