
Gateway Pundit Listens to Obama Speech, Hears the Word "Great" When Obama Said "Grey," Derp Ensues

Frenchy9/29/2014 3:08:08 am PDT

Ah well, since this was just an honest mistake on Kristinn’s part, I’m sure he has since deleted his post and/or issued a correction. No? It’s still there? Well, this is my shocked face.

How is Kristinn’s lawsuit going regarding the whole resort spa 5-star hotel for illeagles!!1! post that Charles eviscerated a few weeks back? I seem to recall that he threatened legal action over being called out on those blatant lies (which did real harm to real people).

I wonder if he’ll threaten legal action again, for being called out yet aGAIN on yet MORE lies? This is “libelous” you know. Might wanna keep your attorney on speed dial. ///