
New Video Shows Darren Wilson With No Visible Injuries After Shooting Michael Brown

TedStriker11/15/2014 1:36:07 pm PST

re: #216 stpaulbear

Russia is already screwed. We don’t need to f- up our environment just to stick it to Putin.

Apple now bigger than Russia’s stock market

Vlad’s not gonna like this guy one bit:

“Apple works with shareholders to maximize returns and is based where property is protected by law,” Vadim Bit-Avragim, a portfolio manager at Kapital Asset Management in Moscow, told Bloomberg.
“In Russia, the legislative protection for property is not as good, most state-run companies have poor corporate governance, resources are concentrated in state hands and borrowing costs are shooting up. After all this, when you get involved in conflicts with your neighbours, it becomes very hard to persuade investors from all over the world to invest here.

Dude better beware of FSB agents bearing polonium pancakes…