
Colbert: SNL, Late Night Shows Probed by Feds Because No. 45 Couldn't Take a Joke

Backwoods Sleuth6/23/2021 4:44:50 pm PDT

re: #220 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

My sister-in-law said that when they were in school in Malaysia (a ways back when there were still a lot of English ex-pats and such in the system there) that they were all given an English name early on and sort of carried that along as one to use when they dealt with English speakers rather than their usual Malay or Chinese name.

Thus I knew my sister-in-law as “Jenny” rather than by her Chinese name.

And this wasn’t a one-off since I knew some other Malaysians via work or some other social connections who essentially were following the same system.

my newest niece-in-law is Thai, and her name is about as long and comprehensible as if it were a Welsh village.
She uses the first name of “May”, which is nothing remotely like her Thai name.