
Trump Lawyers Fight as Insider Was Reportedly 'Waved Off' Searching for Docs

Joe Bacon ✅5/31/2023 2:36:17 pm PDT

re: #218 KGxvi

There’s a play in poker called a squeeze.

Preflop (first round of betting) Player 1 raises, Player 2 calls, Player 3 re-raises. Sometimes things get really fun and Player 1 or 2 will raise again. In this case, McCarthy seems to be caught in the double squeeze. Biden raised, he called, the HFC re-raised, and now the House Dems came flying in to raise as Player 4.

Remember when Mom played bridge and she loved to use “psychic bidding” to bluff opponents. Mom would bid spades with none in her hands or toss monkey wrenches into the opposing team’s bidding forcing them to overbid their hands.