
Bob Schneider's Latest AI Experiment is Pretty Great: "On a Train to Somewhere Awesome"

lawhawk5/28/2024 7:50:59 am PDT

re: #216 BigPapa

One point I’ve not heard any in media make, even the Big Brain legal eagles for MSNBC: Cohen did lie, yes. But the distinction is that he did when he worked for Chump. He lied to protect Chump and himself. And he paid a price for it. Since then, when has he lied?

When all this handwringing about him being a risky witness because he lied, this is all I think about. If lying is so bad, then what about Chump?

Cohen’s statements under oath in this case are corroborated by the paper evidence, including signatures and signoffs by Trump and Weisselberg. Cohen is a criminal and a perjurer (as Cohen himself admits). He also admits lying for Trump repeatedly to cover for Trump’s crime spree. Expect prosecutors to clean that up on their closing.