
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

Existential_Donuts11/07/2009 8:52:49 pm PST

re: #185 redshirt

What are the details? Did you read the 1990 pages? Did anyone who actually voted? It should have been out for weeks for people to study and comment on. I can guarantee that it is full of shit that you wouldn’t even believe.
And yes, I am worried about the money. all 1.8 trillion of it. And the huge increase in my premium that is coming, ans well as my taxes, and the deficit.

I don’t have a fundamental distrust of the US government, and since my ideological views are represented by the majority, I am fine not reading the bill. I guess that makes me lazy.

I am not naive enough to think a complicated issue like health care can be summed up in a few pages, I would be much more dubious of a small bill.

I am not worried about the money, taxes to help people are good. Did I miss anything?