
The Giant Breitbart Awakes

boxhead6/28/2012 10:09:42 pm PDT

re: #218 Mich-again

I sort of predicted John Roberts would vote as he did last night here.. There is bad karma between Roberts and Scalia. Roberts takes his job as a judge seriously and puts politics aside when ruling on the law. Scalia is just another angry white man in a robe, and he has gone over the top with his far right politics at speeches and in his opinions. I’m not saying Roberts voted like he did to get back at Scalia, but I do think Scalia’s radicalism is an embarrassment to 7 of the other judges.

I have hope for Justice Roberts as well. While he was certainly a conservative jurist, it appeared he was intellectually honest… well except Citizens United….. :( Time will tell, obviously. My hope is that he becomes the pragmatic jurist we need.