
Presidential Debate 2012, Round One, the Wrap-Up

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/03/2012 9:13:07 pm PDT

Gay Texas Couple Wakes Up to Find ‘Leave Or Die Fags’ Painted on Their Front Porch: VIDEO

Joshua Harrison and Jeremy Jeffers, a gay couple in Clarendon, a town of about 2,000 people in the Texas panhandle, say they woke up to find a message reading “Leave or Die Fags” painted on their front porch. The couple says they noticed a change in town attitude toward them after an inflammatory ad about the “homosexual movement” written by a pastor appeared in the local paper, ProNews 7 reports […]

Yes, there is another “debate” scheduled for social issues, but here is yet another constituency for which the President didn’t provide a defense tonight.

What about hospital visitation rights for same sex couples? Will Mitt’s “states rights” plan allow for Texans in gay relationships to have hospital visitation rights?