
Edward Snowden Never Had Access to the NSA's "Crown Jewels"

Stoatly7/23/2013 9:36:06 am PDT

re: #165 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

I’ve ended up with a whole collection of portable coffee makers (I travel a lot and I need my coffee)

The aeropress is interesting, solid and easy to clean, though I stopped using it regularly because the taste isn’t what I’m after (I like a classic dark roasted espresso)
A lot of people really like the results from the aeropress - it brings out noticeably different flavours to other machines (also I seems to need to use more grounds than other methods and the caffeine hit seemed stronger)

I used a Handpresso for a long time - great coffee (loved being able to surprise an Italian friend by handing her a perfect espresso - while we were camped in a field at a music festival)

Changed to this because the Handpresso made only one shot at a time, for the price of lots of pumping effort, and any physical effort before I’ve had a coffee is too much