
Russia Today's Sara Firth Resigns Over MH17 Coverage

Dr Lizardo7/18/2014 2:02:14 pm PDT

If this is true, it seems Igor Girkhin (aka Igor Strelkov) has been taking some propaganda lessons from Alex Jones as of late:

Kremlin-backed insurgents now claim Malaysia Airlines plane was carrying corpses

The statements of Girkin posted on his Vkontakte page on July 18 appeared to be a lot more confusing.

According to Girkin, the plane’s passengers were already dead when the plane went down.

“I just talked to two people who were gathering corpses, both from Shakhtarsk (the city where the plane crashed) so they came to the spot only 30 minutes after the tragedy. I am writing from their words. They said many corpses were totally bloodless and looked like blood had clotted long before the catastrophe,” the leader of Russian backed insurgents wrote.