
Video: Trump Shoves Montenegro Prime Minister Out of the Way to Get in Front of Camera at NATO Summit

lawhawk5/25/2017 12:54:23 pm PDT

On Gianforte.

Those media outlets that have since retracted their endorsements, including stating that he was incompetent, etc., had no problem endorsing him before he physically assaulted a reporter.

They had no problem endorsing him even though he supports repealing Obamacare, and doing all the other things the GOP is plotting to do.

Let’s not treat these retraction of endorsements as some kind of moment of clarity.

The moment of clarity would be when they spoke out against someone who was incompetent and incapable of doing the job even before the person physically assaulted a reporter. Montana media was more than willing to endorse Gianforte even after he made threats previously (calling them jokes), but it now shows that the guy has serious anger issues.