
Today in Trump Chaos: Trump Calls on Congress to Approve $2,000 Stimulus Checks, Hinting He Might Not Sign Relief Bill

Jay C12/23/2020 2:41:10 pm PST

re: #203 austin_blue

Huh. The rockets are ID’d as:

107mm ROCKET
Lot: 1637
Date: 2016
N.W.: 18 kg
R. No.: (varies from round to round)

You’d think if they came from Iran, they might have labels in oh, I don’t know, FARSI. instead of English.

Also: those “rockets” look remarkably clean for ordnance that (one supposes) was fired at the US Embassy from ?km away, and landed, presumably on a hard surface like a wall or the street - dud or not, these things look they were just taken out of the factory box….