
DOJ's New Filing Responds to Trump With a Photo of Some of the Classified Documents He Stole

Hecuba's daughter8/31/2022 2:06:26 pm PDT

re: #164 Dangerman

I hear ya but im gonna stand pat

maybe if some R explicitly ran on that they would pardon him. maybe. if they won.

but if not, then they won without the promise.
and for the same reason, they wont care about healing ‘the nation’. they won.
the R’s are in charge.
who else is there?

imo a pardon then would cost a huge amount of political capital.
what’s the payoff? the base wont abandon them for a second term?
seems hardly worth it

and desantis hates trump

let’s get to step one first. let’s see an actual charge

DeSantis may hate Trump but he would be as evil and destructive to the body politic as Trump.