
Tonight's Creationist Message from 'Sarah Palin'

ckb1/07/2010 9:35:15 pm PST

re: #166 soap_man

Evening all.

I hate to go off topic, but I was hoping someone could answer a LGF question for me.

Since I joined, it seems that after every flounce, someone (usually Charles) comments that they were from the “Class of 2004.” What happened in 2004? What was it about that year that gave it such a high flounce rate in 2009/2010? Why not 2006? Or 2008?

It was the time registration was first required. True.

I would contend that around this time (and for the next few years) Charles was taking a sane stand against the crazyness of the far left - a far left that was everywhere in traditional media. And he had extremely informative posts about radical Islam and Israel. With links to great people and sources of information that I would have otherwise never found.

As VDH said, “the emphasis has changed”.