
We Won't Have Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) to Kick Around Any More

Decatur Deb5/29/2013 3:56:07 pm PDT

re: #221 A Mom Anon

God, I’m sorry to hear that. Insurance companies suck. They suck giant demon penises. On a GOOD day. I hope you and your wife heal and feel better soon((((hugs)))).

My daughter is telling me that Medicaid may not cover ANY of the kid’s injuries because it was an accident and not a “health issue”. Seriously? That can’t be right. At least I hope not. Then, she gets home and her washing machine is dead as a doornail. And THEN she finds out the guy who owns the house she’s renting is letting the property go into foreclosure, so in a few months she’s going to be homeless unless she can find something else in her price range(which is practically zip-obviously). Something has GOT to go right for this kid soon, she really doesn’t deserve all this crap, and her kids don’t either. I hope the attorney she’s talking to can get her enough money to get away from the Appalachian Mafia(aka as her dad’s asshole family) and set her and the kids up well enough that they can finally breathe.

Your people have real problems—I’m just exercising the 1A Right to Bitch. The Medicaids theory is probably that the med cost should be paid out of Driver Girl’s insurance liability. She has insurance, right?