
Stephen Colbert: Tonight We Are All Phil Robertson

Killgore Trout12/20/2013 3:18:57 pm PST

re: #207 HappyWarrior

I’ll ask you the same thing, I asked PA. How do you reasonably debate with a human being who thinks your gay friends and family are equivalent to people who screw animals? There’s disagreement like say on fiscal policy where two people can reasonably disagree and then there’s something like this where an individual is likening an entire community to people who screw animals. If you want reasonable debate, you don’t talk the way in the first place. Don’t blame people who take issue with their friends and family being insulted that way and act like the person who made the comments is just being bullied. Robertson knew exactly what he was doing here and he’s not going to be a poorer man for ti- Hell I wager to bet he’ll be wealthier.

You’ll probably never convince him that he’s wrong but he’s not a dumb man. He’s not a monster. You could easily sit down with him, have a few beers and talk shit but converting him isn’t a reasonable option. Sometimes you just have to acknowledge some people have different ideas. I disagree with him but I don’t think he’s dangerous. I don’t see any harm in allowing him to make tv shows or sell duck whistles or whatever else he does.