
Judson Phillips (Tea Party Nation): Jan Brewer's Veto Imposed Mandatory Giant Penis Cakes

ObserverArt2/27/2014 5:04:43 pm PST

re: #196 EPR-radar

House Republicans will soon face a stern test of their morals and intelligence.

Apparently a pinhead GOP lobbyist named Jack Burkman is pushing for a “American Decency Act of 2014” that would ban out gay players from the NFL unless the NFL provides wholly separate facilities for the gay players.

It will be interesting to see if this astonishing bit of stupidity catches on with the House Republicans.

Football is a religion for some. He probably wants to keep it pure.


You know, I await the first ex-NFL player that was well respected for being a manly-man NFL football star that comes out after years in retirement and says he was gay all along but could never say anything because of the workplace and times, but now he is just sick of hearing about it and keeping it all in.

There has to be someone. After all these years, etc. It would not surprise me one bit.