
Watch Live: Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton's Midnight Rally in Raleigh NC

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/08/2016 2:45:57 am PST

So if I read this Votecastr site correctly, they will stream their data minute by minute using mobile apps.

Guess we can’t play here. I don’t suppose Slate and CNN could have done that as a stream on the bloody Website they created to promote that?

And I like how they spun the information:

35 years ago, legacy media organizations collectively agreed to withhold election day data from their audiences. They decided it was too dangerous for the public to handle. Politicians agreed with this, believing real time data and projections would keep voters away from the polls and skew the outcome.

Too dangerous? The first half of that paragraph is twaddle. There is plenty of data from the time that showed calling elections before the polls closed depresses voter turn out in Mountain, Pacific, and Alaska/Hawai’i timezones, with deleterious results on local and statewide elections.