
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Donald Puddin' Trump

lawhawk12/02/2022 6:41:03 am PST

re: #220 Dangerman

historically the irs has been pretty strict about granting 501(c)(3) approval. it’s annoying and can be difficult. but if you’re careful and diligent enough, it’s certainly doable.

the irs has been loathe to enforce the standards and rules once exemption has been granted - even more so against the religious than the merely charitable.

it’s sort of understandable why. it’s a political firebomb and there is a lot of gray.

otoh, it should be easy to nail the egregious ones. those rules that are routinely broken are fairly black and white. and as with other things, you start enforcing and watch how the rest start to behave more responsibly

IRS rules and the whole kerfuffle over political organization nonprofit status getting revoked was because of inadequate staffing to fully police who was getting nonprofit status, and applying the IRC to the entities across the board. IRS had a set of rules that helped automate the process - if your entity name had certain keywords, it was flagged.

That’s it. That’s what the kerfuffle was about. It flagged entities across political spectrum, not just right wingers - though GOP treasonweasels only asked about right leaning groups. With more staffing, these entities could get closer scrutiny upon application, and not after the fact.