
Krauthammer: The Fierce Urgency of Pork

Walter L. Newton2/06/2009 10:19:56 am PST

re: #211 Iron Fist

Five million dollars, that is all I ask. Five million dollars in small, non-consecutively ordered, unmarked bills. I’m on sale cheap right now, because I need the money to buy guns and ammunition (and Knives; you cann never have too many good knives :-). I promise I’ll be a good little boy and spread my wealth around. I’ll just tell the Girlfriend that I’m out doing my patriotic duty when I’m hanging out with strippers in tough beer joints. Think she’ll buy that?

I’m telling you, it’s getting to the point that if this country is turning into a cult of criminals, I just may want in on the action, since that would be no difference than survival of the fittest.

There is a point when there is nothing you can do about something and you have to work with in the available resources or you die.