
22% of Brits Would Consider Voting for White Supremacists?

Varek Raith10/25/2009 12:00:47 pm PDT

re: #221 bigred1961

It sounds like the British people (or at least some of them) are sick of business as usual in the UK. I am not in any way defending the views or platforms of the BNP. In fact, I think they are revolting, but I can kind of see where an uninformed person might find them attractive. I stress an uninformed person.
Business as usual in the UK has brought the following:
1) Almost unlimited Muslim immigration
2) Many of whom are uninterested in becoming a part of British society
3) Radical Islamic preachers who preach the destruction of the very society that they have sought asylum in
4) Above radical preachers do their preaching while on public assistance with multiple families to increase the public assistance
5) Seemingly endless accommodations to the Islamic faith, often at the expense of the rest of society.
I think the British pols should be very frightened by these polls because it’s obvious that a segment (possibly a large segment) of the UK population is sick and tired of the way things have become.

Again, this is NOT a defense of the BNP.

That’s still a really pathetic excuse. I could never, ever vote for the like of the BNP. Even if they were the last political party on Earth.