
Holder Defends 9/11 Trial Decision

Oh no...Sand People!11/18/2009 11:04:26 am PST

re: #204 Rexatosis

This policy has a host of potential negatives:
1. Any terrorist attack on NYC (no matter how limited) will get maximum worldwide press coverage to the benefit of AlQ.
2. The trial itself gives the terrorists a platform from which to spread their message of jihad.
3. American intelligence methods and procedures may be released due to discovery (it is important to remember the ‘93 WTC trial gave AlQ a better understanding of how to bring WTC 1 and 2 down by showing them exactly why the ‘93 attack failed).
4. It will highlight the U.S. military’s use of waterboarding (Pres. Bush is no longer C in C, Pres. Obama is) and the negative world press coverage and propaganda based on bringing this issue up may hamper American policy.
5. If a strict reading of the SCOTUS’ opinion on Miranda is held much (if not all) of the evidence gathered overseas may be thrown out putting convictions in peril.
6. If a loose interpretation of the SCOTUS’ opinion on Miranda is held allowing evidence normally excluded from a criminal trial then the trials may be viewed internationally as “show trials” damaging America’s standing and policies regarding “international law” (see current policies regarding Piracy for example)
And so on…

There is almost no upside to this policy. The argument that it will restore American credibility after the “excesses of Bush 43” is specious at best. “You can’t defuse a bomb after it’s gone off.”

I have a bad feeling this will also lead in as even more justification for Holder to prosecute the CIA and to attempt to bring in Cheney and Pres. Bush under war crimes…(Tinfoil hat shining from the roof)…