
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

sattv4u24/09/2010 6:33:25 am PDT

re: #216 Obdicut

But they didn’t minimize it. They criticized and attacked him immediately.

Rush, on the other hand, is allowed to race bait by the GOP with impunity, and Steele had to apologize to him for criticizing him.

Do those two situations somehow look the same to you? How is that?

RACE baiting is RACE baiting, so ,, ummm, YES

Commendable that some Dems criticized John Sylvester, yet it was red meat and (ruh roh) DOG WHISTLE for those on the left that were inclined to believe that Condi was nothing more than an Aunt Jimima, that Thomas is nothing more than an Uncle Tom (as is Steele and any conservative black)