
For Tim Blair, A Sincere Apology

Decatur Deb8/30/2010 4:38:28 pm PDT

re: #204 Walter L. Newton

“Republicans are evil sons-of-bitches. The Republican Party needs to be murdered. It needs to — it’s like if you had a nest of rats in your house, or a hornets nest under the eaves at your barn or your house, and you knew they were going to do harm to you, your family, your kid — if you live on the farm, your livestock, whatever. What would you do? Of course — you’d get an exterminator and you would murder the nest and get rid of it. Just get rid of it. This is what America needs right now; they need to have the Republican Party eliminated, totally, completely. It is destructive, it is negative, it is sick. [laughs] A mercy killing is what’s needed here.”
— Mike Malloy, The Mike Malloy Show, February 4, 2009.

“He is an enemy of the country, in my opinion, Dick Cheney is, he is an enemy of the country. He’s making it harder for those who are in power right now to protect the country. He’s about the political divide. It just, I just think the guy’s such a freakin’ loser. You know, Lord, take him to the Promised Land, will you? See, I don’t even wish the guy goes to Hell, I just want to get him the hell out of here.”
— Ed Schultz, The Ed Schultz Show, May 11, 2009.

“So, Michele, slit your wrist! Go ahead! [chuckles] I mean, you know, why not? I mean, if you want to — or, you know, do us all a better thing. Move that knife up about two feet. I mean, start right at the collarbone.”
— Montel Williams talking about Representative Michele Bachmann on Air America’s Montel Across America, September 2, 2009.

“You’re damn right, Dick Cheney’s heart’s a political football. We ought to rip it out and kick it around and stuff it back in him. I’m glad he didn’t tip over…How come Dick Cheney’s health care isn’t being dropped? Do you realize that if you had five heart attacks — hell, you wouldn’t get past two heart attacks and they’d dump you. But, because you’re a war criminal, and because you are on the take from Haliburton and you had these executive meetings in 2001 back in the, you know, the days of the rolling blackouts and executive privilege on how we’re going to develop energy policy in this country, you do stuff like that — hell, you can get the best health care on the face of the earth.”
— Ed Schultz on The Ed Schultz Show, February 24, 2010.

Host Ed Schultz: “It’s kind of like the way Rush brought it to CPAC over the weekend, about how, you know, how interesting he was.”
Clip of Rush Limbaugh at CPAC, accompanied by audio of Adolf Hitler and cheering Nazis: “I want Barack Obama to fail if his mission is to restructure and reform this country so that capitalism and individual liberty are not its foundation. Why would I want that to succeed?”…
Schultz: “Now if you watch Limbaugh with the sound down, the drugster, he looks like Adolf Hitler! His animation is amazing! It’s, the parallel is so striking. And then, of course, Rush is now the angry American. The angry American. And that’s where they are. They are so out of touch, just like Hitler was out of touch. But he was mesmerizing. So, I think it was comical. I think there are parallels drawn by some of the things Hitler was saying and some of the things that were at the CPAC convention. They are not Americans. They don’t care about the greater good of society.”
— Ed Schultz, The Ed Schultz Show, March 2, 2009.

(I could go on for hours)

It might take hours to find three that 25 Americans in a row could identify.