
GOP House Candidate Says Civil Rights is a 'Local Issue'

Mostly sane, most of the time.9/08/2010 12:24:20 pm PDT

re: #221 celticdragon

My generation (Gen X) is the first generation in American history that has not expected to do even as well as the previous generation. We tend to be socially conservative to some degree, but also came onto the job scene in the early 90’s when all you could get was a minimum wage service sector job and going to the state college did not guarentee anything better. We tend to be cynical of both the government and big business, and nothing in the last 25 years has changed that. I recall reading some analysis that Gen Xers often refuse to work overtime or go out their way to be team players because we all saw where family members who did go all out got shitcanned anyway when the employer decided to cut some overhead. Many of us would like to be rich, but we despise how so many rich people got that way by shitting on their employees.

I’m Gen X. We’re doing better than both sets of parents. (Although we live below my parents’ level, because my parents are money idiots, and I say that lovingly.)

We didn’t start out with minimum wage, because my husband’s degree is worth a lot. (And he earned it.)