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OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/16/2011 9:30:26 pm PDT

re: #214 Dark_Falcon

Still, I said nothing about religion, except where its was joined to politics.

Unlike here, where it’s never joined to politics.

I wasn’t touching on religious issues at all.

The rebellion in Bahrain was along religio-political lines, the ones you spelled out yourself.

In your world, it’s fine to repress the Shiites due to their religion and cultural ties to a country with a government nobody likes.

So you support the rebels in Libya, another country with a government nobody likes, but not the ones in Bahrain or Saudi Arabia, where they seriously cracked down on what little rebellion formed there.

I suppose if all that oil from Libya came here instead of to Italy, you would have a much different attitude about the rebels.