
Video: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Visits Occupy Wall Street

Guanxi8811/04/2011 5:49:12 pm PDT

re: #218 Obdicut

No, there’s no pretense. I have no beef with Texas. People who have beefs with states are idiots. I don’t like what the Texas Board of Education does, but that’s not Texas. That’s a part of Texas. Texas is just another place, filled with humans, with it’s up sides and down sides to it.

Why do you think I have a ‘brief’ against Texas?

Ahh, back to hair-splitting. No brief against texas, just elements of the government, elected by the people and/or appointed by those elected by the people thereof.

So, what you mean to say, then, is that in terms of the geographical area described on survey and USGS maps, you have no problem with Texas, but you disapprove of what goes on there, in accordance with the wishes of its population?

High praise, indeed. Very tolerant of you.